Cruse Scotland
What is it?
- Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland provides professional support for people who have been bereaved. They also train and educate individuals and organisations to help bereaved people.
Who is it for?
- Cruse help bereaved adults, children and families across Scotland.
What do they offer?
- Listening services, counselling and peer support groups for bereaved adults.
- Specialist bereavement services for bereaved children and their families.
- Listening services, counselling and resources for bereaved young people.
- A 7-day-a-week helpline
- Information and resources
How can people access it?
- They can chat to a counsellor via webchat 9am to 9pm weekdays
- Call the National Bereavement Helpline on 0808 802 6161
- Email
How do I find out more?

What is it?
- A charity that supports people who are affected by murder, culpable homicide and suicide.
Who is it for?
- Victims or witnesses who are affected by murder or culpable homicide, and immediate family members of those who have taken their own life.
What do they offer?
- Bereavement counselling, psychotherapy, and practical and emotional support
How can people access it?
- Self-referral by phone (01698 324502) or email (
How do I find out more?

Chris’s House
What is it?
- Chris’s House stands for ‘Centre of Help, Response and Intervention Surrounding Suicide’
Who is it for?
- People who are in, or approaching, suicidal crisis
- Those bereaved by suicide
What do they offer?
- One-to-one support, including counselling
- Group support, including men’s and women’s self-help groups, CBT, art, and meditation groups
- Postvention support to those bereaved by suicide. This can be on a 1-1 basis or through the Loss Surrounding Suicide Support Group
How can people access it?
- Phone their 24/7 phone line on 01236 766755 or 0131 357 1671.
- Email
How do I find out more?

WAY - Widowed and Young
is a UK charity that offers a peer-to-peer support network for anyone who's lost a partner before their 51st birthday – married or not, with or without children, inclusive of sexual orientation, gender, race and religion.
It’s a peer-to-peer support group operating with a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves, so they understand exactly what other members are going through.