Use our services well

GP Team

Unfortunately, Penicuik and Eastfield Medical Practice have been forced to cut services by NHS Lothian. This means there are less appointments available than before.

With the new contract, Doctors are seeing the most serious conditions meaning we must direct other conditions to the appropriate team. Our colleagues at NHS Inform, Pharmacy First, Dentists, Opticians and Mental Health can all provide you with advise and treatment for your condition.


NHS Inform has the most up to date information to help you seek guidance and services.


Topic of the Month : Prostate Cancer Awareness 


The most up to date information can be found at the websites below:

Prostate Cancer UK | Prostate Cancer UK

Prostate cancer - NHS

Prostate cancer | Cancer Research UK

March the Month 2025


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Hospital waiting times

NHS Lothian is committed to reducing waiting times and ensuring patients are seen as soon as possible. The time you will wait will depend on your condition and the service you have been referred to. For some specialties patients may have to wait longer. Many patients will be seen sooner than this but unfortunately this is not possible in every case.

What are the waiting time guarantees?

The Scottish Government has different waiting time guarantees that should be met and these include:

• Your first appointment in outpatients

• Tests like endoscopy, CT scan and ultrasound

• Treatment - like an operation.

Most patients should start treatment within 24 weeks of being referred by their GP. 

You can click the link below which gives you a run down of each department and how long the waiting times are on average. This is update monthly.